mama lleuad

Helo! Catrin ydw i, gwraig a mam i bump o blant, yn byw yn ardal hardd Eryri, yn swatio rhwng y mynyddoedd mawreddog a'r môr. Mae fy nhaith fel gweithiwr geni a llysieuydd gwerin yn cael ei gyrru gan angerdd dwfn dros gefnogi'r merched yn fy nghymuned yn gyfannol.

Fel gweithiwr geni, rwy'n ymdrechu i ddarparu gofal a chymorth cynhwysfawr i fenywod trwy gydol beichiogrwydd, hyd at y cyfnod ôl-enedigol. Rwy'n creu ac yn cynnig meddyginiaethau llysieuol sydd wedi'u cynllunio i feithrin a gwella. Yn ogystal, rwy'n paratoi prydau maethlon ac yn curadu blychau bwyd ôl-enedigol i sicrhau bod mamau'n cael y maeth sydd ei angen arnynt yn ystod yr amser cysegredig hwn.

Mae iachâd wrth galon fy ngwaith. Rwy'n cynnig triniaethau tylino beichiogrwydd ac ôl-enedigol, gan ddefnyddio fy hyfforddiant a phrofiad i helpu mamau i ddod o hyd i gysur a rhyddhad. Ers cwblhau fy hyfforddiant doula gyda'r Red Tent Doulas yn 2017, rwyf wedi bod yn ymroddedig i ehangu fy ngwybodaeth a sgiliau. Ar hyn o bryd, rydw i'n astudio cwnsela Lefel 2 gyda diddordeb byw yn y system nerfol a therapi somatig.

Credaf yng ngrym natur i wella ac adfer. Cyn bo hir, byddaf yn cynnig teithiau natur i famau a’u babanod. Bydd y teithiau cerdded hyn yn cynnwys elfennau o chwilota, ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, chwarae, a gwaith anadl, gyda'r nod o helpu mamau i reoli eu systemau nerfol a dod â sylfaen a heddwch i rianta bob dydd.

Rwyf yma i gefnogi a grymuso menywod trwy eu taith ôl-enedigol, gan gyfuno doethineb traddodiadol ag arferion modern i greu amgylchedd meithringar ac iachusol.

Diolch am ymweld â fy ngwefan. Mae croeso i chi estyn allan ataf am ragor o wybodaeth neu i drefnu ymgynghoriad.

Gyda cariad, Catrin

Birth worker, Folk Herbalist, Holistic practitioner.

Hello! I'm Catrin, a wife and mother of five, living in the beautiful region of Eryri, nestled between the majestic mountains and the sea. My journey as a birthworker and folk herbalist is driven by a deep passion for supporting the women in my community holistically.

As a birthworker, I strive to provide comprehensive care and support to women throughout pregnancy, through to the postnatal period. I create and offer herbal remedies designed to nurture and heal. Additionally, I prepare nutritious meals and curate postnatal food boxes to ensure mothers receive the nourishment they need during this sacred time.

Healing is at the heart of my work. I offer pregnancy and postnatal massage treatments, utilising my training and experience to help mothers find comfort and relief. Since completing my doula training with the Red Tent Doulas in 2017, I have been dedicated to expanding my knowledge and skills. Currently, I am studying Level 2 counselling with a keen interest in the nervous system and somatic therapy.

I believe in the power of nature to heal and restore. Soon, I will be offering nature walks for mothers and their babies. These walks will incorporate elements of foraging, mindfulness, play, and breath work, aiming to help mothers regulate their nervous systems and bring grounding and peace into everyday parenting.

I am here to support and empower women through their postnatal journey, combining traditional wisdom with modern practices to create a nurturing and healing environment.

Thank you for visiting my website. Feel free to reach out to me for more information or to schedule a consultation.

With love, Catrin

  • My fees for doula services vary depending on the type of support you require; whether it’s virtual pregnancy support or birth debrief, or physical postnatal support which includes massage and nutritious meals. The first step is to meet each other and have a chat about what your needs are, and how I can best support you. This is an important step to make sure we are on the same page, and that we feel a connection to each other.

  • I make two types of boxes; a small one that can be posted anywhere in the UK, and a large one that can be dropped off locally to where I live. They are filled with handcrafted products and homemade food - you can find out more on the Gegin Mama Lleuad page.

  • I’m located in beautiful Eryri, near Caernarfon, and am currently available to support families within the Gwynedd and Ynys Mon area. I also offer zoom consultations for pregnancy support, birth advocacy and birth debriefs.

